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As an innovative project Rolling Hostel
is supported and sponsored by the Chilean government


Nuestro Rolling Hostel (capacidad: 10-12 viajeros) cuenta con 5 confortables cabinas para alojar a 2 personas y tiene un baño. Los sillones para los viajes cuentan con espacios individuales confortables y son reclinables. También existe la alternativa de dormir fuera del Rolling Hostel en carpas alrededor de el.

Viajar a bordo de Rolling Hostel te da la posibilidad de entrar en lugares naturales deshabitados y pasar la noche allí, al costado de enormes glaciares, lagos de montaña y geisers volcánicos o en medio del desierto.

mas fotos

Traveling on board of our rolling hostel gives you the possibility to enter more abandoned natural environments and to overnight besides glacial mountain lakes, volcanic geyser fields or in the middle of the desert.

With our rolling hostel the travel group can be easily split up into two smaller groups. Under guidence these groups can be dropped at different places and participate upon choice to different activities (e.g. group 1: free afternoon in a small village; group 2: nature walk). In addiction, there is always the choice just to hang around the rolling hostel (and for example read a book in the outside nature). As such, with the rolling hostel you can travel at your own speed including your own interests.

Touring with the rolling hostel certainly means a time gain on your travels. You simply don't have to wait (overtime) public transport or other travel connections! Additionally you don't have to drag your luggage in and out of hotels, on and off buses, etc. All your luggage is safely guarded inside the rolling hostel under the surveillance of our driver.